Major Problems of Pakistan

Islamic Republic of Pakistan was established in 1947, having natural resources and 75 years of independence but still going through major problems.

It is a nation where financial gap among rich and poor is broadening day by day.

Major problems of Pakistan, including load-shedding, terrible economy, less education institutes, less emergency clinics, inflation and no water in many parts of the country.

These issues exist in Pakistan right from its freedom which as referenced above was over seventy a long time back.

Major Problems of Pakistan


Literacy is characterized as people aged 15 or above who can “read” and “write”.

According to definition, Pakistanis authoritatively reported to have 59.50% literacy rate. However, that implies half of its population is illiterate.

With such inflation, poverty and child labor, therefore in future it may be increase

Majority of people framing the top controlling level is practically uniform about advancements and specialize outlook.

Along these lines, making the nation embrace the new innovations at a very slow speed


As indicated by an examination directed by the public authority of Pakistan and published at it shows that the poverty has expanded generally from 30% to 40% during the previous ten years.

Energy Crisis

Electricity is the serious Problem Pakistan facing today. Electricity in Pakistan is produce, sent, appropriated and retail provided by two public sectors

Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) for all of Pakistan, and the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation, for the City of Karachi and its encompassing regions.

For years, the matter of balancing Pakistan’s supply against the demand for electricity has remained a largely unresolved matter

Pakistan suffers from a massive electricity shortage

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Corruption and Political Instability

It is interesting to take note of that because of the international interference and control exactly the same people that we mark as corrupt some time ago, fault and blame.

They return to govern us, following a few years once more and people welcome them wholeheartedly.

A typical English expressing goes as “fool me once, disgrace on you, fool me two times, disgrace on me”.

This is Likely additionally the fundamental justification for why the political interaction in Pakistan isn’t let to succeed

Not long after its origin the true and faithful government officials were take out from the standard


Terrorism in Pakistan has turned into a significant and exceptionally disastrous phenomenon from many years.

The entire world looks at Pakistan, Principle reason being as exploitation through the strict pioneers and response of the tactical tasks both inside as well as outside from the country.

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