Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & sustainability in aviation industry

list of sustainable development goals and link to aviation sector

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity on all grounds.

The SDGs are a broad and ambitious agenda, and include targets on a wide range of issues, from ending poverty and hunger to ensuring access to clean water and sanitation, to combating climate change. There are certain SDGs that directly influence environmental sustainability and few can have a moderate impact on achieving environmental sustainability the rest of the SDGs have an indirect influence on sustainability in the aviation sector.

If you’re wondering to know about topics like:

What are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

How many SDGs have been designed for sustainability achievement?

The icons of each goal of the list of SDGs?

This article comprehensively answers all these questions.

The list of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

1No Poverty: To end poverty, organizations and the state as a whole must first understand its root causes and then develop targeted solutions. Concerns must also ensure that economic growth is inclusive and benefits everyone, not just a select few.SDG1 icon
2Zero Hunger: The target of sustainable goal Zero Hunger is to end hunger and malnutrition worldwide. This would be done by ensuring that all people have access to nutritious and sufficient food all year round.SDG2
3Good Health and Well-being: The target of this sustainable goal is to ensure good health and well-being for all people. This includes ensuring access to quality health care and promoting healthy lifestyles. It also includes working to reduce the incidence of diseases and injuries and supporting people in their recoverySDG3
4Quality Education: It is all about ensuring that everyone has access to quality education. This includes making sure that education is affordable and that it meets the needs of all learners.SDG4
5Gender Equality: The goal targets gender equality as the view that men and women should receive equal treatment, and should not be discriminated against based on gender.SDG5
6Clean Water and Sanitation: This goal is to ensure that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation. This goal is more related to environmental sustainability’s sub-dimension – water and effluents.SDG6
7Affordable and Clean Energy: The goal seeks to achieve a low-carbon, low-cost, sustainable, and affordable energy future. Clean and sustainable energy is also aligned with the goals of environmental sustainability and a nature-friendly future. SDG7
8Decent Work and Economic Growth: This goal seeks to create decent work for all, including creating an environment where workers can voice their concerns and be protected from exploitation, and grow together.SDG
9Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: This goal seeks to promote innovation, industry, infrastructure, and creativity so that the world can benefit from new ideas and developments.SDG9
10Reduced Inequality: This goal seeks to reduce inequality within and across countries.SDG10
11Sustainable Cities and Communities: This goal is to create sustainable and liveable cities and communities that are inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.SDG11
12Responsible Consumption and Production: This goal seeks to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns that protect the environment and human rights.SDG12
13Climate Action: This goal seeks to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that are driving climate change.SDG13
14Life Below Water: This goal seeks to ensure that the life below the water is safe and protected which includes sea creatures, fishes, marine resources, coral reefs, and wetlands.SDG14
15Life on Land: This goal seeks to improve the quality of life for all people, animals, and living and non-living things including reducing land degradation and promoting the sustainable use of land.SDG15
16Peace and Justice Strong Institutions: This goal seeks to promote peaceful and just societies and strong institutions that are accountable to citizens and concerned authorities.SDG16 PEACE JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS
17Partnerships to achieve the Goal: This goal calls for partnerships between countries, civil society, and the private sector to help achieve the SDGs.SDG17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

One of the main ways that airports can help to achieve sustainability is by reducing their overall carbon footprint. Airport operators can take a number of measures to reduce their emissions, including using renewable energy sources, improving waste management systems, and reducing energy consumption. In addition, airports can work to improve air quality by implementing green infrastructure projects, such as rain gardens or urban forest plantations.

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