Benefits of Peels of Fruits and Vegetables

Benefits of Peels of Fruits and vegetables

Peels of Fruits and Vegetables contain numerous beneficial compounds, the use of peels is not only healthy but also harmful to the environment.
Experts say that if you want to stay healthy and fresh, as well as live longer, use more fruits and vegetables in your diet, but most people live in the same conflict when using fruits and vegetables. As if to use their skins or throw them away.

According to medical experts, peels contain important nutrients, and importantly, discarded fruit and vegetable peels also contribute to environmental changes. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, apples with peels contain 15% more vitamins than apples. C, 250% more vitamin K, 20% more calcium, 19% more potassium and 85% more fiber are found, in addition, many peels contain important chemicals that help in internal cleaning of the body along with antiseptic properties. are


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According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, fruit and vegetable peels contribute 8 to 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.


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