The Ethics of Social Management: Balancing Service Delivery and Individual Rights

Ethics of Social Management poster

Ethics of Social Management is important in every community, Providing assistance and services to people and communities in order to advance their welfare and social justice is a complicate process known as social management. The preservation of individual rights and observance of human dignity, however, must coexist in a healthy manner with the provision of services. The ethical aspects of social management are examine in this article along with their connections to service delivery and individual rights. By offering a framework for choice and action, ethical principles play a significant…

Hazrat Umer (RA) – Biography of a second caliph of Islam

Hazrat Umer (RA) bin Khatab Biography

If we take a look on  Muslim history, many names come up that try to spread Islam with peace and prosperity. Among those names, the most highlighted name is of Hazrat Umer (RA) who was the second caliph of Muslims and Muslims enjoyed success and prosperity. Hazrat Umer (RA) was a great role model for every Muslim. His deeds are an ideal example for Muslims for every generation. Hazrat Umer RA was born non-Muslim but then with the grace of Allah, he accepted Islam which was the turning point for…