Tolerance and Patience in Islam and literature

Tolerance and patience word art

Tolerance and patience should not be read as signs of weakness. They are the signs of strength (Dalai Lama) When someone is crossing the road from a pedestrian crossing, you are driving and you’re in a hurry. Would you prioritize the pedestrian to cross the road first? Do we need to stop our car for a while? Do we have patience and tolerance at that time? Legally, we/re supposed to stop, but would you do the same? We will come to this question in the last of this write-up. For…

Kashmir valley bleeds – it’s been 55 days of curfew

Kashmir valley bleeds postures

Its been 55th day of curfew in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. 55 days have been passed but yet Kashmir valley bleeds and the Indian authorities have not uplifted the curfew. This is an inhuman, uncivilized, and barbaric step taken by the Modi Sarkar led by the RSS ideology of India. A car cannot run until its four wheels work properly, tea cannot be made until it has a combination of milk, sugar and water. A sky cannot produce the breezy drops of rain until it unites with air…