
Cupping Therapy: What Is It and Does It Work?

Cupping therapy isn’t something that everyone has heard of, but it has been around for hundreds of years in China and other parts of Asia as an alternative medicine therapy. It’s not terribly common in the United States yet, but it’s becoming more and more popular, especially in California where the weather leads to lots of stiff muscles and soreness. What exactly is cupping therapy? Is it scientifically proven to work or simply a load of hooey? Here’s what you need to know about cupping therapy in 2022.

What is cupping therapy?

There are lots of different uses for cupping therapy. For example, it’s used to treat chronic back pain, migraines, and other ailments. While there isn’t a lot of science to support it (yet), many people swear by it. And while you may feel silly at first—and you might even get laughed at—it’s worth considering if it could help improve your health or quality of life. What is cupping therapy really good for? I decided to find out! Here’s what I learned about what is cupping therapy…

When should you use it?

Cupping therapy is best for those looking to address stubborn muscle aches and pains, or chronic issues that aren’t responding to more traditional treatments. Research has shown it may be particularly effective for helping to relieve conditions like upper back pain, migraines, menstrual cramps, lower back pain, and neck pain. In short, if your problem isn’t going away with other therapies you’ve tried (like exercise), give cupping a try. And there’s no need to worry about any major side effects — in fact, many people report feeling significantly better after just one session. Just don’t expect miracles overnight — or even after just one treatment; although its power is undeniable, cupping therapy takes time to kick in.

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How does it work

Here’s how it works, in a nutshell. First, a therapist takes plastic or glass cups, fits them over your skin, and then pumps air into them. This creates negative pressure, which draws blood to that area of your body—which is what causes those bruising-looking marks that you see above. There are many different theories about why cupping works—and no good scientific evidence proving any of them—but some acupuncturists believe that by removing blockages from your meridians you can restore health to your body. After all, these therapists claim their patients feel better after treatment than they did before it began.


The health benefits

According to practitioners, cupping helps relieve pain by drawing blood to an injured area. To perform cupping therapy, a health care professional places one or more cups directly onto your skin (generally near where you’re experiencing pain) using either a flame or mechanical suction device. The cups then create suction on your skin, which pulls in nearby tissues and causes swelling; it’s almost like an intense massage for your muscles and tissue. The treatment may cause small red marks on your skin called petechiae, but many people don’t experience any adverse effects from these marks. Cupping is generally used as part of a larger treatment plan that includes exercise and pain medications.

Why is it trending right now?

Why is it now being used to treat all sorts of health conditions (some mainstream, some not)? Experts say there may be a couple of reasons for its rise in popularity. While cupping therapy has been around for thousands of years, it’s only in recent decades that people have taken an interest in alternative treatments—and, as it becomes more popular, researchers are beginning to dig into what exactly makes cupping so appealing. But we still don’t know everything about how it works or who might benefit from using it. With help from experts, here’s what we do know about what is cupping therapy and whether or not you should try it at home. Here you can locate the best cupping therapy professional near you. Hope you will enjoy it! Stay healthy, stay safe.

Sanaullah Abro: PhD - SALU, Khairpur MS.MBA - Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Digital Content Creator

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