
Man is not made for defeat | A motivational script

Old maxim hold water, “Good things come to those who wait, Better things knock the door of martial brave and Best things always come in lap of those warriors who strenuously strive hard for pursuing warmly glowing dreams of their prime lives“. As for those dedicated strugglers and hard workers, Earnest Hemingway says for them

A man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated

Indeed, a man is not made for defeat. In the unalterable law of life, a man is the Arch-master of his writ of destiny one has courage to diligently strive hard to be master of his own destiny.

In truest Sense of life’s philosophy, “what you Sow in your course of life, shall you reap in return of life.” Henceforth, o man of brave! I earnestly whisper to you in your ear that, cultivate the land of your dreams with countless hours of work, sooner or later, Time Shall bestow you the best awards of all the times one could ever cherish for.

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To accept the truth, we, being a human, not landed here for to be defeated, broken and ravaged by the arbitrarily worst winds of life but we are landed here for to be Stood victorious, conquered of destiny as Julius Caesar once Said ”

I Came; I Saw; I Conquered

So we can conquer all bloody battle of life but if we are willing to be conquered.

In due course of life, there is no Short cut of Success, the one and only short cut of success is hard work as for bitterly food-for-thought of hard workers Tim Notke Said that ” hard work beats the talent if talent does not work hard”

Succinctly, we Should accept the firm truth of life that; hard work with unswayable and unflinching courage beats all odds of life and Sincerely, it never goes unrewarded. So, work hard in silence let your Success be noise because you are a man and a man is not made for defeat.


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