Dr Wajid Hussain Bhutto A man of letters who Dedicated the whole life to his poor community. Words are short to describe his angelic personality but despite that, I would like to shed like few words of wisdom in the feather of his cap.
In the current Social affairs of Jacobabad, One of the brightest stars in today’s shining stars is Dr Wajid Hussain Bhutto.
The great philosopher Karl Marx said,
History is really nothing. It is not a goddess, It is not a fight, In fact, the individual is a history.
The role that one plays in history becomes self-history. Similarly, Dr Wajid Hussain Bhutto has not even mentioned his resources as an individual.
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Dr Wajid Hussein’s compassionate personality has always impressed me, and he has always respected and honored me. Heartache throb always believes that faith should be
well done is better than well said
In my life, I have learned that how to light a candle for social service. Welfare Strategy, Poor Support Strategy, Plan of action for Understanding throbbing Problems. That is My favorite and thoughtful personality, Dr Wajid Hussain Bhutto.
Human’s always looked for people with similar nature to themselves. Good friends are always with good people. As a ‘higher human being’, his magnetism attracts like-minded people to themselves.
Knowing the beyond compare leadership and the existing conditions, I can confidently say that a sincere leader is the only munitions. Through whom nations determine destinations. Successful people are no longer a wizard but think and act more sensibly.
That’s what a man is Who does not even have a feeling in his heart? The feeling gives the person A high ‘moral identity. The heart of a feeling person is soft, which is always beneficial to others.
As the Holy Qur’an says: