Curse of the Nun |Review

Curse of the Nun was released in May 9 2018, and the director of the film is Aaron Mirtes. It was an American supernatural horror film.

Curse of the Nun Story

A damaged young woman is looking forward to moving to a beautiful new home, but the spirit of a deranged nun wants her to stay right where she is.

Anna Winter, a young lady recovering from a grieved past and a long goth stage, moves out of her investment property into a delightful new home because of her new spouse MIKE. On account of Anna’s intense past, she can’t resist the urge to feel disgraceful of the awesome life she has now.

Review of the film

Curse of the Nun is a strong exertion that many individuals plainly put their hearts into. someone who is concerned with giving them what was promised, without any tricks or added fluff to pad the runtime. There are more than a few technical flaws, but if you have a high tolerance for that kind of stuff, and most horror fans do, then you’re going to have a very good time with this one.

the film is very entertaining, and it delivers on the promises made by the title, trailer, and poster art. If you’re looking for a film with plenty of demonic nun attacks, boy has Curse of the Nun got you covered. Its pretty much wall-to-wall demonic action makes the film scarier.

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On a technical level the film leaves a lot to be desired. The acting is solid, at least, and the creature design and makeup on the nun was pretty great…as long as she remained in the shadows. There were a few very brightly lit scenes that expose the low-budget nature of the makeup and somewhat took me out of the movie

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